A Tale about Typesetting with Typst vs. TeX
For any of the following to actually make sense, I’ll need to make a confession first. Not in the “dark secret” sort of category – actually, it probably isn’t even particularly surprising, and I even know quite a lot of colleagues that feel in a similar way.
New talk at AofA22, and a note on typesetting math with reveal.js
I had the pleasure of presenting recent joint work with Alois Panholzer and Stephan Wagner on the analysis of a stochastic process involving iteratively uncovering the vertices and edges of labeled trees at AofA22.
From rolling dice to differential equations: a discussion of four generating function problems
In this video blog post, I want to discuss the
four exercises that 3blue1brown left at the end of his latest video, plus some
additional background and context from the point of view of someone who works
with generating functions a lot.
Manim on a Raspberry Pi
Due to one of the libraries that Manim depends on (skia-pathops
not specifically supporting the architecture of Raspberry Pi, trying to install manim
lead to an error that reads along the lines of this:
A Report from Uppsala
It’s time for an update! A lot of stuff has happened in the past few weeks, and I think my blog is a good space to keep track of it all (at least a bit 😅).
Goodbye, Summer interns of 2020!
For the past four weeks, my colleague Roswitha Rissner and I supervised five young mathematicians who joined our department as summer interns.
Mathematician tackles Austrian school leaving exam: BHS edition
After a lot of positive feedback for my video regarding the school leaving exam, I decided to do the same thing for the school leaving exam in mathematics for a different Austrian school type (BHS).
Mathematician tackles Austrian school leaving exam
As there was some controversy regarding the difficulty of the Austrian school leaving exam in mathematics, I got interested and wanted to check things out for myself.
Technology for Online Teaching during Social Distancing
For some reason, my students this semester are happy with what I have done to move my classes to online formats (which, of course, was neccessary due to COVID-19). A friend asked me to write an article containing my views and recommendations for online teaching for a magazine, resulting in the text below. The article did not appear yet – but as soon as it does, I’ll update this blog entry with a link to it.
Workshops @ BRG Viktring: Von Büchern, Tauben und den Türmen von Hanoi
Es war mir eine große Freude, wieder einmal in meine alte Schule, dem Bundesrealgymnasium Klagenfurt-Viktring zurückzukehren um Mathematik-Workshops mit allen siebenten Klassen abzuhalten.
Talk @ AofA18: Counting Ascents in Generalized Dyck Paths
Last week I participated at AofA18 in Uppsala, Sweden and gave a talk on Friday.
Goodbye Wordpress, Hello Jekyll!
I am currently in the process of migrating my old Wordpress site to a collection of static pages, generated by Jekyll. I am migrating because of the following reasons:
Talk: Ascents in Non-Negative Lattice Paths
Today, in the last week of my four week research stay at Stellenbosch University, I gave a talk on a recent cooperation with Clemens Heuberger and Helmut Prodinger.
Seminar: Analysis of a Growth Process for Plane Trees
This week I am giving a two-part talk series in Mark Ward’s informal seminar on Analytic Combinatorics at Purdue University.
Schulvortrag @ BRG Viktring
Es war mir eine besondere Freude, heute in meiner ehemaligen Schule, dem BRG Viktring, einen Vortrag aus Mathematik vor den 7. Klassen halten zu dürfen.
Summer School: Techniques in Random Discrete Structures
I’m currently in Athens at the summer school “Techniques in Random Discrete Structures”, where I am responsible for the exercise sessions.
Talk: On Reductions of Plane Trees
I’m currently visiting my mentor Helmut Prodinger at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, and today I gave a talk in the local colloquium.
Talk @ ANALCO17: Iterative Cutting and Pruning of Planar Trees
I gave a talk at the 2017 Meeting on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO17).
Mathematik-Seminar der Hans-Riegel-Stiftung
Today I held an invited workshop on combinatorics and the symbolic method at the Mathematical Institute of Bonn University (Bonn, Germany) for alumni who received a “Hans-Riegel-Fachpreis”.
Talk @ AEC2016: On Reductions of Rooted Plane Trees
Today I gave a talk at AEC Summerschool 2016 at JKU’s Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) in Hagenberg, Austria.
Talk @ AofA16: The Register Function and Reductions of Binary Trees and Lattice Paths
On July 8, I gave a contributed talk at this years 27th edition of the International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA’16), which took place in Kraków, Poland.
Talk: On a Reduction of Lattice Paths
Today I gave a talk at Stellenbosch University (South Africa) presenting my current research on a reduction procedure for two-dimensional lattice paths consisting of the four steps up, right, down, left.
Jupyterhub with SageMath Kernel
Recently I made some efforts to get a Jupyterhub instance with a SageMath kernel up and running on one of my servers — with success! 🙂 Actually, the installation is really not that difficult. Nevertheless, I want to write a few lines describing the troubles I ran into and my solutions.
Google Summer of Code 2015: Conclusion
The “Google Summer of Code 2015” program has ended yesterday, on the 21. of August at 19.00 UTC. This blog entry shall provide a short wrap-up of our GSoC project.
Asymptotic Expressions: Current Developments
Since my last blog entry on the status of our implementation of Asymptotic Expressions in SageMath quite a lot of improvements have happened. Essentially, all the pieces required in order to have a basic working implementation of multivariate asymptotics are there. The remaining tasks within my Google Summer of Code project are:
Computing with Asymptotic Expressions
It has been quite some time since my last update on the progress of my Google Summer of Code project, which has two reasons.
House(s) of Cards
When I sat at our family dinner on Saturday, I watched my cousin build a house of cards from coasters. At one point he said to me: “I want to build a reeeally tall house of cards. One with like 100 levels! Do you think we could collect enough coasters from the tables around here?”. The question got me interested, and so I decided to do some counting.
Asymptotic Expressions: Motivation
So, as Google Summer of Code started on Monday, May 25th it is time to give a proper motivation for the project I have proposed. The working title of my project is (Multivariate) Asymptotic Expressions, and its overall goal is to bring asymptotic expressions to SageMath.
Algebraic Function Fields of Genus 0
In this post I want to discuss the exercises from our Algebraic Curves course I worked on (and struggled with) last week.
Google Summer of Code — Countdown
Today I received the welcome package for attending this year’s “Google Summer of Code”! Actually, it’s pretty cool; the following things were included: