Supervised / Mentored Students
- Bachelor's Thesis Celina Strasser: Intersection of longest paths in connected graphs, 2021.
- Bachelor's Thesis Samira Majser: Efficient recursive computation of the chromatic polynomial, 2022.
- Bachelor's Thesis David Rackl: Cycles in the Collatz sequence -- An approach using 2-adic arithmetic, 2021.
- Mentor PhD Thesis Shudian Zhao: Splitting into pieces: alternating direction methods of multipliers and graph partitioning, 2022.
- Co-Supervisor PhD Thesis Sarah J. Selkirk: Statistics in Lattice Paths and Tree-like Structures, 2023.
- Master's Thesis Celina Strasser: Combinatorial graph constructions via reinforcement learning, 2023.
- Bachelor's Thesis Anna Tscharre: Fibonomialkoeffizienten und Fibonacci-Catalan-Zahlen, 2023.
- Bachelor's Thesis Stefan Haan: Enumerative Combinatorics in Coq, 2023.
- Bachelor's Thesis Benjamin Hofer: Reverse-Engineering the Lettericity of Trees, 2023.
- Bachelor's Thesis Michael Hresc: Algorithmic Graph Pebbling, ongoing.
- Bachelor's Thesis Bence Horváth: Billiards in Polyiamonds, ongoing.
- Co-Supervisor Master's Thesis Daniel Horiatakis: Combinatorial Aspects of Knörrer-invariant Algebras, ongoing.
- Bachelor's Thesis Alisa Ofner: Lineare Gleichungssysteme über verschiedenen algebraischen Strukturen am Beispiel der Sekundarstufe 1, ongoing.
While I am happy to discuss topics from discrete mathematics at any point, some ideas can be found below.
- Mathematics On Rotating Tables
- Teacher Training (Math) School workshop content creation (various topics)
- Mathematics Counting Lockscreen Patterns
- Mathematics & Teacher Training (Math / CompSci) Extending the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
Students from both mathematics as well as from the teacher training program are very much welcome!
Teaching Experience
- ST 2025
- Lecture with integrated exercises Programming in C++
- Seminar Mathematical Seminar
- WT 2024/25
- Lecture with integrated exercises Software Development
- Lecture Exercise class Discrete and Algebraic Structures
- ST 2024
- Lecture Exercise class Discrete Mathematics
- WT 2023/24
- Lecture with integrated exercises Computer Mathematics
- Exercise class Elementary Discrete Mathematics
- ST 2023
- Exercise class Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry
- Exercise class Analysis 2 for Teacher Training
- WT 2022/23
- Lecture + Exercises Elementary Discrete Mathematics
- Lecture Exercise class Discrete Mathematics
- ST 2021
- Lecture with integrated exercises Elementary Mathematics [public recording ]
- WT 2020/21
- Practical course Computer Mathematics
- Lecture Exercise class Combinatorial Structures
- ST 2020
- Seminar Bachelor Seminar
- Lecture Exercise class Complex Analysis
- WT 2019/20
- Practical course Scientific Texts with LaTeX and Version Control with git for Technical Sciences
- Practical course Computer Mathematics
- Practical course Symbolic Computation Lab
- ST 2019
- Lecture Exercise class Symbolic Computation
- WT 2018/19
- Practical course Computer Mathematics
- Lecture Exercise class Combinatorial Structures
- ST 2018
- Exercise class Linear Algebra for Computer Science (Groups B, C)
- WT 2017/18
- Practical course Scientific Texts with LaTeX and Version Control with git for Technical Sciences
- Lecture Exercise class Mathematical Analysis of Algorithms
- ST 2017
- Lecture + Exercises Elementary Number Theory
- Exercise class Mathematics for Economic Sciences (Groups B, C)
- WT 2016/17
- Exercise class Mathematics for Economic Sciences (Groups B, C)
- ST 2016
- Exercise class Mathematics for Economic Sciences (Groups B, C)
- WT 2015/16
- Exercise class Analysis 1 for Computer Science (Groups A, B, C)
- ST 2015
- Tutorial Mathematics for Economic Sciences
- Tutorial Analysis 2
- Tutorial Algebraic Structures
- WT 2014/15
- Tutorial Mathematics for Economic Sciences
- Tutorial Analysis 1
- ST 2014
- Tutorial Algebraic Structures
- WT 2013/14
- Tutorial Analysis 1
- WT 2012/13
- Tutorial Analysis 1