Counting Down-steps in $k_t$-Dyck paths
$s_{n, t, r}$ ... total number of down-steps between $r$-th and $(r+1)$-th
up-step in all $k_t$-Dyck paths of length $(k+1)n$ (= $n$ up-steps)
\[ s_{2, 1, 0} = {\color{blue}3}, \quad s_{2, 1, 1} = {\color{lightblue}9},\quad s_{2, 1, 2} = 16 \]
Down-steps before the first up-step
Theorem (Asinowski–H.–Selkirk, 2020+)
The total number of down-steps before the first up-step in all $k_t$-Dyck
paths of length $(k+1)n$ is
\[ s_{n, t, 0} = \sum_{j=0}^{t-1} C_{n, j}. \]
Proof idea:
- Mark $j$-th down-step at start of path
- Cyclic shift: move first $j$ steps to end $\rightsquigarrow$ $k_{t-j}$-Dyck path
Down-steps between 1st and 2nd up-step in $k_0$-Dyck paths
Theorem (Asinowski–H.–Selkirk, 2020+)
The total number of down-steps between the first and second up-step in
all $k_0$-Dyck paths of length $(k+1)n$ is
\[ s_{n, 0, 1} = \sum_{j=0}^{k-1} C_{n-1, j} = \frac{k}{n} \binom{(k+1)(n-1)}{n-1}. \]
Down-steps everywhere else
Theorem (Asinowski–H.–Selkirk, 2020+)
For all $1\leq r\leq n$, the number of down-steps between the $r$-th and
$(r+1)$-th up-steps in all $k_t$-Dyck paths of length $(k+1)n$ satisfies
\[ s_{n, t, r} = s_{n, t, r-1} + C_{r, t} (s_{n-r+1, 0, 1} - t[r = n]). \]
Some intuition:
- $r$-marked paths: one marked down-step between $r$-th and $(r+1)$-th up-step
- $s_{n,t,r}$ counts $r$-marked $k_t$-Dyck paths